Thursday, September 12, 2019

Employee Engagement (MA Human Resource Management) Coursework

Employee Engagement (MA Human Resource Management) - Coursework Example 10 6. Conclusion 12 References 1. Introduction The involvement of the specific organization in a New Global HR programme should be checked by referring primarily to the relevant evidence, meaning the literature related to this issue but also the findings of the empirical research. At the next level, the potentials of the firm to perform well in such project would be evaluated by reviewing the results of similar business projects, i.e. other projects of similar characteristics in which the firm participated, directly or indirectly. The experience of the firm’s managers in HR management plans will be also taken into consideration. It should be noted that the development of secure assumptions regarding the potential performance of the firm in such project would be rather impossible. Only estimations can be made regarding the potentials of the firm for further growth through the specific project. On the other hand, the fact that the firm has successfully entered the global market, through its subsidiaries in India and Taiwan cannot be ignored. The needs of the firm for stabilization in the international marketplace have to be taken into account for deciding whether the engagement in such plan could result to benefits or to losses for the organization. The various implications of the particular plan will be presented and evaluated using the relevant literature. Assumptions are made based on the evidence gathered on the issues under discussion. 2. Employee engagement, role in the facilitation of business purposes In order to understand the role of employee engagement within the organization, especially regarding the facilitation of the business purposes, it would be necessary to refer primarily to the context of employee engagement, i.e. its elements and its mission. The potential forms of employee engagement are presented below; based on the form of employee engagement chosen, a relevant assumption can be produced regarding the role of employee engagement in the facilitation of business purposes. Furthermore, this view will be used in order to decide whether the suggested business plan is expected to perform well – based on its alignment with the needs of the organization but also of the employees, as reflected in their engagement to the organization. In accordance with the literature published on the specific subject, employee engagement is a rather complex concept, which is quite important for the success of business projects. However, in many cases, it is ignored being considered as having just a secondary role in daily business operations. In accordance with Federman (2009) there are four levels of employee engagement: a) at the first level, no attention is given to employee engagement; the needs of the employee are ignored. A high percentage of modern organizations belong to the specific category, about 27%, as Federman (2009, p.2) notes, b) at the second level, employee engagement is considered as just an event. In the cont ext of this thought, the following assumption is developed regarding the employee engagement: employee engagement can be included in the context of an organizational restructuring, as the result of an important change in the organization, for example ‘the change of its president’ (Federman 2009, p.2); however it could not be fully implemented. This means

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